Sunday, November 4, 2012

Randoms and Updates

Just some random updates on life:

1.  C has officially given up naps...NO!!!!!!!!  It seems quite young to me to do this since S was well into her 4s before she did, but it has happened.  I have still been enforcing "room time" with both of them as I still need  my "me time" and I think they do to!  He is grumpy by early evening because he is so sleepy and makes things somewhat miserable, but hopefully this will improve as he gets older!

2.  S is learning to read!!:)  She is sounding simple words out as she reads and is also attempting to spell the as she writes.  It blows my mind!!  I need to start working with her more intentionally, but teaching a child to read just seems like such a daunting task and I am not known for my patience:)  She also knows all her months, days of the week, half way through learning the books of the bible, is able to write her whole(first, middle, last) name, knows her address and knows Mommy and Daddy's phone numbers!  She is developing and learning and  maturing right before my eyes!!

3.  C continues to have speech 2 times a week and a visit from his early interventionist 2 times a month.  He has done SO WELL with his speech and has made HUGE progress.  He just had his evaluation from both and it seems he is still about 6 months behind and will hopefully continue to qualify through BabyNet so that his speech sessions will not come out of pocket for us!  I feel like his sessions are helping so much!

4.  I decided to deactivate my Facebook account for the remainder of 2012.  It was just eating up too much of my time!

5.  We are in the stage of life where no kind of shopping is fun with both kids!  I mean, I use to go to Target just to get out of the house and walk around.  Now, I dread going there, or anywhere, to shop and wait until I have quite a few things on my list before I do so that I don't have to go as often!  Both kids are either whining about where they want to sit(front of the buggy or in the big part), they are fighting over who gets to hold whatever it is I'm buying, C is throwing things out of the buggy, S wants to walk and then runs off, C is standing up in the buggy no matter where I have him sitting, etc.  It just is not worth it to me!  I'll do without paper towels and a new toothbrush for a while if it means having to go shopping with the both of them... bleh!

And, after that rant, I'll end with a sweet picture of the kids after I picked S up from dance the other day!  Ahh... much better than our nightmare-like shopping excursions!

1 comment:

Amy and Michael said...

So glad to hear C is doing well in Speech! Your shopping story made me laugh! Wow...Stella knows a LOT more than most her age! Way to go! What a smart young lady she is!