Friday, November 23, 2012

Cousin Outing

As we have a tradition of doing, we took the cousins to the playground this morning at a church in the downtown are and let them get some energy out!  Then, we paraded our little group to see Santa. 

The town has the absolute cutest set up done for Santa with all the decorations around a little house where Santa sits.  The kids really really had fun!  Both S and C were all about sitting on Santa's lap.  C asked for a truck and S asked for a doll - maybe I need to see if I can change their current requests to match up with what they are getting:) 

Afterwards, I took the kids back to our house to have lunch and nap/rest before heading back over to Papa's for pizza and more crazy cousin fun! 

We had a great trip to New Bern and made lots of memories!!

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