Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Downtown Adventures

S and I have ventured downtown a couple of times recently. We usually don't go down that way since it is a bit of a drive and we lose like an hour of playtime in the car. But, we have fun when we do go.

I met some moms at the interactive fountain thing and thought S would have a blast!! Boy was I wrong! It wasn't as though she didn't like it, but she was more interested in pushing her stroller around or being pushed in it by me. So, after a bit of trying to convince her that it was fun to play in the fountains, I finally gathered her up, changed her out of her bathing suit and we headed to the children's garden. I was surprised that this was actually something she enjoyed. Obviously a day of not knowing my child or a day that my child was not being quite herself:) I'm glad she liked the garden and the whole trip wasn't a wash! After playing for a while we headed up and had lunch together and then indulged in my FAVORITE ice cream shop!
We've also been to the zoo. We started out at the playground outside which is awesome b/c it is covered for the most part except for the swings(which is actually where we spend the majority of our time) so it wasn't as hot. Even at 9:15am it was getting hot!! When the zoo opened at 10, we headed in. S really, really had a good time. I let her walk by herself but ended up having to practically drag her away from the giraffes. Since we've been, she "talks" about the giraffes non-stop:) I think it is her favorite animal right now!


Amanda said...

Ooh I didn't know there is a children's garden down there! I'd love for you to show us sometime!

KLee said...

We took E out to the splash area last week and it was closed!! Ahh! Wish we had know about the garden then! We will definitely have to check it out next time we make the drive!

Jessica said...

Looks like so much fun! Glad she liked the Children's Garden. I keep meaning to take Tessa to the zoo and just haven't made it yet. I'm waiting for it to get nice and hot:-)