Sunday, July 5, 2009

Long Lost Love

Oh, Texas Roadhouse, how we've missed you!!

M and I use to frequent Texas Roadhouse almost every Sunday after church. However, with S's nap schedule, it has been a very, very long time since we've been. Probably a year or more!

But, today that changed and we went after church this afternoon. It wasn't too crowded since a lot of people were travelling for the 4th. It was everything we'd remembered it to be and more!:)

S was totally into posing for pics while we were there. She had one more July 4th outfit that needed to be worn since we didn't get to do all of our planned stuff this weekend so I'm glad she was in a picture-taking mood:)


Jessica said...

They have the BEST rolls!!! And Stella looked very cute in her holiday dress.

Shelby said...
