Friday, July 3, 2009

Pool Time

This past week we had 2 pool play dates.
The first one did NOT go very well. I had not bought anything for S as far as flotation because I wanted to get a feel for what her other friends were using and what worked. So, we went to the pool and all I had was what I had for her last year. That did not last very long and all she wanted was for me to put her down and let her be by herself (which I obviously could not do). It was a short playdate for us as S went downhill very quickly when she realized she wasn't going to be allowed to be Miss Independent.
I got some good ideas of what kind of flotation I was going to get S from several different friends and ended up going with this one - Stearns Puddle Jumpers .
It was a much better playdate the second time around. S was happy to be able to "swim" by herself and was jumping off the wall to me in no time at all. I think she is part fish! However, there is a downfall to the no fear attitude coupled with the independent attitude S has. She does not always listen very well and in this case went straight down the stairs and into the pool by herself without me being in it! I watched it happen and she did have her new swimmer on, but nonetheless she was in serious trouble after pulling that little stunt! Oh the joys of raising a strong willed child:)


Jessica said...

I bet she LOVES being able to swim on her own!!! We'll have to have a swim playdate soon so Stella can teach Tessa how to jump into the water.

w and js mommy said...

I know it may seem like alot with her somtimes but I think its great that she wants to be so adventurous and not sitting on the sidelines! YOU ARE A GREAT MOMMY

KLee said...

Did I tell you that E forgot she did not have her floaties on and jumped into the water one day? Good thing I was in the water. We will have to have another pool date soon so she can show off her new skills!