Saturday, July 11, 2009

NC Roadtrip - Part 1

This past week Gigi and I took S to visit her Papa in New Bern, NC. It is quite a drive and S did well all things considered. S kept us very busy and on our toes the entire trip. It is an understatement to say that Papa's house is not babyproofed! I was worn completely out by the time we got back home, but I loved our trip and it was great to see Papa!!

Me, S and Papa

Lovin' some snacks:)

Gigi, S and Papa

Watching the boats at the river.
The playground downtown that S and I visited every morning.
Throwing flowers into the river.Helping Gigi vacuum.Playing on the stairs.
She LOVED, LOVED, LOVED the beach!!!!!


Amanda said...

She totally loves it! It cracked me up when she almost bolted right out of your moms hands. Cute pics.

The 4 Pierces said...

Looks like you had a great time, but I know it is exhausting when you have to keep a toddler out of everything! I love your Papa's house!

Marsha Byers Mays said...

glad your trip was fun. S looks like she is ready for another beach trip soon.