Monday, November 3, 2008

For the past 1.5 weeks, S has been one sick little girl:( It is so sad to see her this way. I thought she was getting better once she was on her antibiotic for an ear infection and pink eye. But, then she started running a high fever (102+). Back to the doctor again. Apparently the virus that had originally caused the ear infection was still taking its toll on her and her body was having to fight it. There is nothing you can do about a virus except wait it out - so, that's what we've been doing. I feel so sorry for her. The fever has FINALLY let up (I probably shouldn't say that) but S still has NO appetite, NONE whatsoever. She is withering away - I've had to go back a size in clothes and wish I still had some of her smaller diapers left b/c she is out-shrinking them! I will be glad when this passes and I have a healthy baby girl again.
This is a picture I took a while ago and thought it was cute and since we have not taken any pictures since S has been sick, I'll go ahead and post it. M was working on a bid and S really wanted to help him, so we gave her a calculator and let her have at it!
On Halloween, we had M's cousin's, Kelley's, rehearsal dinner at Smoke on the Water. Her and her to-be husband were so cute. The wedding was on Sat, M was able to go but I had to stay behind and take care of S, so I don't have any pics from the big day:(

OH, and something exciting, we are THUMB-FREE!!!!! That's right, no more thumbsucking for S!!!!!!!!!!! Way to go S:)


Anonymous said...

SO I guess the nail stuff worked? Way to go! Proud of you sticking to your guns with that one! Hoping little girl is better soon!

Michelle Y said...

I hope S gets better soon! It certainly is not fun to have a sick toddler!

If Jamie3 was helping M with his bid, the papers would be all torn and disheveled...I guess that is the difference between girls and boys!

Anonymous said...

Look At Stella's little toes...