Friday, November 14, 2008

She's Walking

Yay! Finally! S took her first step on September 21. She has been taking multiple steps since September 27. So, I was really curious when she would really start walking. She gets around so quickly crawling, that I think she figured she'd continue to use that mode of transportation for a while. Apparently, though, she has now decided that walking might not be such a bad thing. As of yesterday, she has really been walking a lot more. I'm so excited!!! Now, I can go outside and she can roam around with Abby without messing up her pants. AND, she will be able to wear dresses again! Yippee!!!


KLee said...

So fun!!! I love watching the toddle around!

Anonymous said...

Yea Stella!

Amanda said...

YAY!! Get em girl! She was such a cute crawler, but I'm proud of her!

TCW said...

She walked to me from the middle of the room on Wed morning. I was so excited. She looks so proud of herself in the video and I can't believe how good she is at getting herself back up after stumbling. She is one sweet and special little girl. We have missed seeing you guys.