Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Swim Team Year End Banquet

Tonight was the swim team's end of the year banquet!  It was a great way to celebrate the kids' accomplishments over the season - most improved, most points earned at Divisionals, MVP, Spirit and Coach's Awards were given out!  I loved how much they talked about being a good teammate and showing what good sportsmanship looks like and recognizing those kids that exhibited such characteristics!  I think the kids were really taught something too about what it means to be a "good swimmer" - it's not just how fast you are!  

Both kids received a trophy for participating!  C also received the Iron Man Award and S received the Iron Man Award and the Spirit Award!

They have both grown as swimmers and we are so excited to be a part of this team!  GO WAVES!!

Our SAIL reps are so so so amazing!

Our coaches are the BEST!

C going up for his Iron Man award!

S going up for her Iron Man and the Spirit Award for the 11/12 girls!

Congrats, kids! What a great season!

Go Waves!!

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