Thursday, July 4, 2019

4th of July - Hiking Jones Gap, Pool Party, S'mores and Fireworks

We hiked to Jones Gap Falls this morning and then let the kids tromp around in the creek!  It was a beautiful morning for hiking - glad we went early(arrived at the park at 8:30am!) because it was getting quite humid by the time we left!  M then went to do some clearing and the kids and I got lunch at Tandem Creperie and then went to one of S's friend's house to play in the pool!  After M got home, we cooked out steaks, ate s'mores and settled in to watch fireworks.  Unfortunately the fireworks were delayed quite a bit due to storms passing through.  We didn't think that they were going to happen tonight so the kids went to bed.  Then they did happen but the kids were already asleep, so M and I sat on the back porch and enjoyed the show!  Happy Independence Day!

There were salamanders everywhere!  The kids liked
touching them... gross!

That paint was so thick and dark - I'm writing this several days after and
S still has it all over her hands!
(Shelby, Stella H., S, Goldie)

A few fireworks went off while we were doing pop-its and
smoke balls!  So the kids did see some fireworks at least!

Dancing in the smoke balls!

More dancing;)

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