Sunday, July 14, 2019

C's Birthday Party - Big Air and a Sleepover

We survived!!

Yesterday, we got home from S's Divisional Meet at 2pm and at 3:30pm, C's two friends came over to celebrate him turning nine!

The boys had a Nerf war first, then we took them all to Big Air for a couple of hours in hopes of getting some energy out, stopped at Moe's for dinner on the way home, opened presents, ate cookie cake and ice cream sundaes, they had another Nerf war(M got into it this time) and then put in a movie about 10:15pm and told them to turn it off an go to sleep afterwards - which they actually did and I think were asleep around 11:30pm, but I really don't know exactly because M and I went to bed around 11pm and didn't hear from them until 6:15am!!!  We call that a success!  The boys played with their electronics while I cooked pancakes and bacon for breakfast.  After filling up tummies, there was another Nerf war(M played again!), movies and playing outside before the party was officially over!

It was a great party and the boys were really well behaved! We are all tired and ready for an early bed time tonight!!

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