Saturday, May 25, 2019

Dance Recital Weekend

Last night was S's recital dress rehearsal.  I enjoy going to this because it is super laid back and I am able to take pictures and video:)  Afterwards, the Scottish Parade was just about to start, so the kids and I found a place to dine al fresco and watched the parade!  We all had fun!

S in the front!

S on front left!

C grabbed the chips from our dining table and got himself
a front row seat!

Ms. South Carolina was in the parade and she was also a
dancer at S's studio and came by dress rehearsal before the
Today was S's recital!  We met Grandpa and Gigi for an early lunch before the the performance.  S did a fantastic job and it is just amazing how much she has improved and how talented she is!  This will be her last recital that she is not en pointe!  All of her grandparents were able to come see her, but we missed pictures with Grandmamma and Granddaddy!

Then after the performance it was time for ice cream before saying goodbye to Grandpa and Gigi!

We checked out the Saturday Market on our way from lunch
to the Peace Center;)

And the kids scored honey sticks!

Some of the girls in S's dance class!

Gigi and Grandpa came bearing patriotic flowers
and glasses!

It's been a long, hot couple of days:)
We have one very loved dancer!

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