Thursday, May 23, 2019

5th Grade Graduation Day

S's 5th Grade Graduation was today!  It is pretty hard to believe that she is essentially done with elementary school!  She is beyond ready for middle school, though, so that makes it an exciting time!

This morning the fifth graders walked the halls and all of the other grades, and fifth grade parents, lined the halls and clapped as they walked by!  It took all of three minutes, so we were glad to be there on time - especially, M!

Afterwards, we headed to North Greenville University for the ceremony!  I was so proud of sweet S and even though she didn't smile while she was up there, she was excited and loved her day so much!

We went to lunch at Cheesecake Factory and then Grill Marks for a serious dessert!

It was a great day and we tried to make her feel extra special:)

S is 4th from the right

That trophy is for having ALL A's for her entire
time in elementary school!  I had no idea!!  Pretty



Goldie and Jewel

Riley and Marlee

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