Monday, October 30, 2017


S had an orthodontist appt - and this is definitely an office
the kids don't mind going to!  She is still on track to probably have
braces in a few years!  C had a super loose tooth and the
orthodontist pulled it for him - thank goodness!!

A little park fun!

We had a PTA Fall Frenzy event/Open House/Book Fair

Found some of S's work at the Open House

The grandparents bought C this "tar pit" kit... it is just

Nail Art!

M was out of town for work so the kids and I ate dinner
at Farmhouse Tacos:)

C saved the day and pulled the Crazy Cart out of the grass!

Goal kick!

Popsicles with the Principal at school!

C and Gavin

S had a bday party at the roller rink - her first time EVER
roller skating!

C and M went hunting - C got bored and started texting me:)
Boosterthon started at the kids' school and at the pep rally
the principal came riding in on a scooter.  I had I missed the
first time she rode in, because she was carrying her dog that time!

The kids came home from school with their first pledge
prizes and were super excited!

Do you see the tape hanging from the string off the upstairs railing?!!?\
C at his best!!!

Gotta love taking kids to the doctor for well child visits!
I'm always paranoid we will bring some yucks home!

C's class got to dress up one day!  The rule at school is no
hats or masks and C's costume has both attached to his
body suit,so we had to improvise!

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