Friday, October 14, 2016


When we got the Pepsi Party Pack for C's birthday this summer, one of the items in it was free tickets to the Greenville Zoo!  We took a couple of hours today to explore around, have a picnic and play at the park!  The weather - PERFECT!  It was slightly more crowded than I like, but not too bad!  All the Boo in the Zoo decorations were up so that offered us a little something different to check out while we walked around!

I think my favorite thing was a mosaic in memory of one of the elephants that died.  Every piece of the mosaic was artwork done by Greenville County school children and then put together in one large picture!  Amazing!  C's favorite, and a close second for me too, was the extinct species graveyard that was on display for Boo in the Zoo.  I think it really helped to drive home to the kids, and especially C, was extinction was and how many animal species were no longer around!  He was kinda tore up about it!  S enjoyed all of it, she's pretty easy to please when it comes to animals:)

A certain little boy was not wanting to cooperate with pictures!

Baby Tatu

Awesome mosaic!!

They spent a lot of time in the natural play area, building
a castle around S for her to bust out of:)

Extinct Species Graveyard

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