Sunday, October 30, 2016

Where Did October Go!?!?!

I took the kids out of school early for S's nine year
old check up, and I got them a little earlier than I
actually needed to and treated them to an hour at
the park:)  They weren't complaining!

This NINE year old had a great appointment!

Fall brings amazing sunrises!!

This kiddo had a very sick week and was out of school
a few days!

She wanted an audience!;)

I spend a lot of time cooking! A LOT!!!  This was a
recipe for cream sauce from my new Pioneer Woman

Another sick day...:(
I pre-ordered this several months ago, and it just came!!!
And I read it within 3 days:)

S came down for school... but forgot to put on her shorts and
was ready to walk out in her pj shorts!  LOL!!

M took C on his first hunting trip

Front porch reading on a fall afternoon!

In memory of Skyla:(

I got to go field trippin' with this cutie to the park!

Moustache Day at school - they loved it!

ANOTHER sick day!?!?!?

And just when he's getting better - rash!  It was a
rough 2 weeks for sure!

Bowling birthday party!

Ummm... this is an interesting way to cut it!
Neighbor boy and S chatting about life on the back porch -
such sweet innocence!! 

This was waaaay messier than I anticipated!
Making bookmarks and bracelets to raise money for
childhood cancer in honor of Skyla!

Working hard for their cause!

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