Saturday, October 8, 2016


We have partied hard the past 24 hours!!!

We started off yesterday early, early because I had my conference with S's teacher!  It was hard to get a picture of her with her name on the sign because it was still so early and dark!  We brought cookies to share with her class and then she rounded out her school day with the dance:)

Yesterday evening, three of S's friends came over for her very first(and quite possibly last..LOL!!) slumber party.  That term is deceiving because there is actually very little slumbering going on!  The girls had a blast eating, crafting, watching movies, playing with the American Girl dolls, opening presents and then staying up waaaay late!  M took C for most of the night to Cabela's to get some hunting gear followed by dinner and ice cream.  This was a huge help!  Everyone was asleep by about midnight!!!

S with Mallory and Kiersten and Emma photobombing in the background! 
S received a palaroid camera for her birthday from us so
the girls all made picture frames and took home a picture
of themselves as part of the party favors!

Since I knew we'd be having cake with the family party the next
day, S and I decided to do a brownie and ice cream sundae with
all the toppings for the girls!  It was a sugary hit!!

LOTS of help blowing out her candles!

S's masterpiece creation:)

Present time - all three friends gave her some sort of crafty
gift!  They know her so well!

The girls were up bright and early(4:30am!!!!!) and watched
a movie before coming down for breakfast and more crafting with
a new gift!

C joined them at this point too!
All the girls went home about 10am and then it was time to prep for the family party!  Today was actually S's real birthday so it was nice to be able to have her party on the actual day this year!

This is the dollhouse Papa Bell made for me when I was about
S's age.  He put HOURS upon HOURS into making it, but
it was never painted!  Now, Grandpa had put HOURS and HOURS
into restoration and painting and it belongs to S!!!

At S's request, we had a chocolate, chocolate, chocolate cake!! From Brick Street was amazing!!

A new game compliments of Aunt Jennifer, of course!

S was so glad to have such a wonderful birthday with lots of partying with family and friends!!! She is loved!

Updated stats at well-child appointment on 10/21/16:
Height - 52in(45%)
Weight - 52lb(10%)
BMI - 13.5(3%)

1 comment:

Amanda said...

That doll house is amazing! Such a neat gift!