Monday, December 7, 2015

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like...


I don't get to go to Preschool Praise at church anymore
because I am in the infant room, but I still have my "spies"
who take cute pictures for me!

S was home with the stomach bug one day!  Ugh!!

I surprised the kids with their own trees to decorate and
put in their rooms this year!  They were so excited!!

While S was at dance, I took the opportunity to take C to
pick out the gift he wanted to give her for Christmas this year!

My bible study group had our Christmas party and decorated

These are mine - yes, they look like they were done by my kids!!

More shopping - this time for charitable donations:)

The sunsets lately have been amazing!

I went on a field trip with C to the high school to see
The Best Christmas Pageant Ever!  Very cute!

C went another week with no notes home (YAY!!!!), so
off we went to get him his reward - a gun!

There are rare moments of this!

The boys were winterizing the boat, so us girls played games!

Our Sunday School class met for breakfast and the kids scored
their own tables!  The girls table drew and played quiet games
with each other...

while the boys were a little more on the rambunctious side!!

Our church does a Christmas music program each year, but this
is the first year I've seen it because it is the first year they have
added Sunday morning as a show time!  It was so good!  I hope
they do it on Sunday morning every year!  We had the kids with us as
well and S liked it too, but C, well, he thought it was boring!

The kids got into my bag of old Christmas crafts and made
Decorating gingerbread men:)  OUTSIDE!!

The finished masterpieces!

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