Saturday, December 5, 2015

Breakfast with Santa

After the basketball game we went to Breakfast with Santa!  We missed last  year because of the Nutcracker, but were very glad to be able to go this year(it was questionable because when I had to purchase the tickets a month ago, I didn't know what the basketball schedule was going to be - I had my fingers crossed!)!  

We arrived a little early and the kids did a few quick crafts before going in to the dining area.  Usually we eat first, but because there was nobody in line, we went and saw Santa first!  The kids told him what they wanted (S - Monopoly and a fish; C - an Indian costume and a fish) and then we went and piled our plates high with breakfast, er lunch! 

We ran into some friends from church and sat with them!  We've never sat with people we know before and that just was icing on our morning!

Everyone left full and sugared up!!!

Crafting it up!

S, Anna P.

Miss Greater Greer was there too!

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