Thursday, July 24, 2014

Less Work, More Play

After several days of lots, and lots, and lots of errands, we finally had a day without any!!!!

C had his 4 year old appointment this morning and checked out perfectly!  He did great, was messing around with the nurses during the eye exam and barely even flinched when he got his last two shots until he is like 11!!!!  Woohoo!

Afterwards, I treated to the kids to a promised doughnut and then we met up with some friends for a great park play date!  It was great to see everyone and catch up!  All of the kids, ages 2 - 8, played together, running around in one big pack!  It was crazy to watch - yet, wonderful!!  We stayed for THREE hours!

Then, after rest, the kids vegged out in front of the TV while I got some consignment stuff together!

Just about the time I was done organizing and entering into the computer the huge piles of clothes, the neighbors knocked on the door and out we all went!  Between rain and other things going on, this was the first time we'd been outside at our house since we've been back from the beach!

Being the first appt of the day definitely has its perks!

Ready for his check up!

My little reading goofball:)

Most of the kids at the play date(S on far left, C on far right).

Consignment piles

C and our neighbor Miley - the older he gets, the nicer
he is to littler ones!

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