Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Happy 4th Birthday!!

Today is my baby's 4th birthday - which is almost hard to even imagine!!!

We already celebrated C's birthday a couple weeks ago, so today was pretty low key!  I had planned to take the kids to Chuck E Cheese(I was feeling brave!), but C bit S yesterday so he lost that opportunity - along with treats for the next couple of days so he doesn't even get a cupcake on his birthday!  My alternate plan was to take the kids to the pool and just enjoy a day in the sun, but C threw an absolute fit while we were there which ended in spankings and a forced nap!  Are we seeing a trend here...

C is a headstrong, defiant, determined, independent, tough kid!  He is also a smart, compassionate, sweet, loving and caring kid!  He is a challenge pretty much on a daily basis!  But because of these traits, I know that one day he is going to do great things and I can't wait to see what they are! 

Favorite Books - He is really much of a reader, but if I had to choose, I would say his favorites are the Pete the Cat books!
Favorite Toys - tools, trucks, tractors, super hero toys - Batman is his favorite with Spiderman a super-close second, but he doesn't discriminate too much, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Favorite Games - playing on the LeapPad(S's old, pink one!), playing make believe games with S - right now they like to pretend they are kitties in a pet store/animal shelter
Favorite TV Shows - Paw Patrol, Sheriff Callie, Jake and the Neverland Pirates, Curious George
Likes - riding his new 4 wheeler, swimming, riding his bike, doing "worker man" stuff with his daddy
Height - 41in
Weight - 37lb
(3 inches taller and 3 pounds heavier than his last birthday!)

Official Stats(7/24/14 appointment):
Height - 41in(67%tile)

Weight - 37.6lb(66%tile)
BMI - 15.72(53%tile)

We love you so much little man and are so blessed for you to have completed our family four years ago!!

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