Friday, September 20, 2013

This n' That

Blowing Bubbles

Glitter craft - I was smart this time and did it outside!  A couple of notes:
1. C is not usually into crafts, but I guess this one was messy enough that he enjoyed it:)
2. S decorates with glitter like she decorates her cookies - the more the better!!

The kids have really enjoyed coloring on the way to school in the morning.  S told me that she told
her teacher that coloring with her brother in the car is the best part of her day - sweet girl!!

C and I had a breakfast date at Chick-fil-A.  He was still hungry after
his first order of chicken minis so I sent him back up to the counter,
by himself, to get another box.  He was SO PROUD of himself!  He was such
a big boy doing that!!  Luckily for my wallet, I had two free orders
of chicken minis.  Otherwise, he would be quite the expensive little date!

These pesky stink bugs have made themselves at home at our house!  They are mostly around the garage
so end up hitching rides with me in the car frequently!  Just awesome!!  Been reading up on ways to get rid
of these guys - apparently mint alcohol(a version of rubbing alcohol) will help!  Gotta get on it:)

I was treated to a sweet concert!!

On days that C goes to school, we have about 45 minutes to kill after
dropping S off at school.  I have gotten into the routine of running
with C in the stroller at his school.  This way, I am done with my workout
and don't have to spend precious "me time" at the gym.  And, C likes it because
I have made this the only time that he is allowed to play games on  my
phone!  Win, win!  
This is what I did for a couple hours after dropping both kids off at school:
drank a quiet cup of coffee:)
surfed the internet
watched Kelly and Michael Live
Then I got busy cleaning the kids' bathroom and dusting and vacuuming... bleh!

We ended the week as we have started doing each week... at a park!

Funny things the kids are saying/doing:
C - "I gottcha", "Ohhh yeah!!"
S - calls a shirt a "blouse", pointing to someone(her brother usually!) and doing circles around the side of her head, meaning "coo coo, crazy", gives me the details of how gross boys are in the bathroom at school, calling all groups of animals "flocks", 

1 comment:

Amy and Michael said...

I envy your quiet time!!! They are getting so big!