Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Potty Training

We have been potty training for about 2.5 weeks and have made great progress!!!

He rarely has a wet accident, maybe 3 since we started, but the poop accidents are another thing:/  At first every single time he went in his underwear(he only wears Pull-Ups at night and during rest/nap time) but has progressed to going every.single.time in his Pull-Up during rest time!  He tries to go on the potty but has a hard time getting it all out(TMI!) and then I guess he feels more comfortable going in the Pull-Up... maybe?? He stays dry all night and has gone several hours being away from me in different settings and has done an amazing job at staying dry!!  He started out having to be taken to the potty every 30 minutes but is now going 1-1.5 hours between going which helps a lot with having a life!!

I'm very proud of this little boy - even if he does prefer this setting to a bathroom any day!:)

1 comment:

Amy and Michael said...

Hahaha - such a boy thing! So proud of him. What a big boy!