Sunday, November 7, 2010

Treasure Hunt

This weekend we went on some treasure hunts (aka Letterboxing). What a blast!! I got the idea from a friend and found details here to help get me started.
After S's nap yesterday, we went and picked out our stamp and headed to find our first treasure. I wasn't sure how into it S would be, so I chose to do one that was located at a park so that if she didn't like it, the entire trip out wouldn't be a complete wash! She LOVED it! She loved trying to figure out which way to go and it gave us a good chance to work on 'left' and 'right' - still working on it, but she'll get it soon!

We had so much fun yesterday, that we went again today and Daddy was able to come with us this time! Thank goodness because the ones I found this time were not very stroller friendly. It was quite humorous watching M push the stroller along the path. We actually did two today. The second one had such rough terrain that C and I waited while M and S went searching.
This is such a fun, inexpensive family activity and really gives you a chance to get out and explore with your kiddos places that you may or may not have been before but even if you have been, you will still discover something you have not when visiting before. Also, letterboxing is done all over the country so if you are travelling, you will have an instant activity to do while you are there!


GiGi said...

I just love this picture of my little pixie...sounds like a fun way to spend quality family time.

Double Dees in SC said...

I need to check that out - that sounds like a great outdoor activity..

KLee said...

Yea! We are planning to pick some up on our DRIVE home this weekend. Glad you are enjoying it! I am ready for it to warm back up.