Wednesday, November 17, 2010

New Rule

So last night was awful...well, actually, the last SIX nights have been awful!!

C has always had this issue with his arms flailing and he doesn't seem to be able to relax by himself. So we have swaddled him to sleep. Fixed!!

Then, I got this awesome idea that during nap time I would swaddle him with one arm out and give him a paci to go to sleep because I was worried about him being fully swaddled and rolling over and suffocating. This plan has not exactly worked very well. He tends to mess with the paci too much putting it in and out of his mouth and eventually loses it and I have to go "plug" him again. Then, in the middle of sleep cycles, after the paci has already fallen out, he wakes up and I have to go plug him again so he can finish his nap. Kind of exhausting, but I thought it would get better if I just kept at it. I started this about two months ago and have seen no improvement.

And, in actuality, it has taken a toll on his night sleep. Before I started the whole nap set up, C was just swaddled at night and was sleeping through the night just fine. Now, however, he is still swaddled but has been waking up 3-5 times and not being able to go back to sleep because he wants his paci. It's an absolute NIGHTMARE!!

Well, I can't take it anymore!!!!!!!!!!!!

Last night I tried getting rid of both the swaddle and the paci at the same time. Ummm.... not very successful! I let him cry/fuss for a total of 1hr45min (don't worry grandmothers, I went in there a couple of times to reassure him and love him). But, I could see we weren't getting anywhere so I swaddled him but no paci. He went right to sleep (who wouldn't after fussing for that long?!?!). He slept like a champ after that!

So, my new rule for my little man is no pacis in the bed. I will go back to swaddling him fully at nap time and nighttime, but he will only be seeing his paci when he is out of his crib. This is more for me than for him since I know he is tired but I am not always home to put him down for a nap when he needs it.

Hopefully a couple more days and we will be back to sleeping around here!!!!

As for the swaddle, I think that will have to wait to go until he can sleep on his stomach to keep his arms from flailing around. S was about 6 months when she started sleeping on her belly so maybe it won't be too much longer. We'll cross that bridge when we get there. I just can't get rid of both at the same time!

1 comment:

TCW said...

Sorry to hear it has been a rough week. We swaddled OK for like 9 months. She would only sleep if wrapped tight. Proud of you for making it 1 hour 45 mins. I couldn't make it that long.