Monday, November 1, 2010

4 Months

C is FOUR months old today!!

He is such a blessing to us:)

He is becoming more and more interactive with S everyday and she loves to try to make him laugh!! So much fun to watch!

He is still getting up typically one time a night (with the occasional two times and then sometimes not at all). We go to bed not ever knowing what kind of night it will be. He is fully swaddled when we put him down and no paci at night (unless he wakes up at an odd hour and I refuse to feed him, then we'll plug him and we'll all get a bit more rest!).

He takes about 3 naps each day. A short one in the morning typically on the go - poor kid, all he wants to do is catch a snooze and S and I are having too much fun to stop. His long one is in the afternoon and coincides with S...ahhh!! Then again around dinner time. I swaddle him with one arm out and also give him a paci. This set-up works right now, but something is going to have to change soon because he rolled over for the first time today! I guess I will have to start weaning him of his swaddle although I am dreading it!

C is eating about every 3 hours during the day, but his long afternoon nap will sometimes go a bit over and it'll be closer to 4 hours. I don't plan to start cereal quite yet, but will continue with only milk for a bit longer.

Every month there is so much change that it makes me sad that the "baby days" are passing so quickly! I am trying to cherish these days with both of my babies!!!

Stats Update (11/12/2010):
Height 26.5in (89%tile)
Weight 17lb11oz (88%tile)


Amanda said...

That is a wonderful picture, Caroline! I love his expression!

KLee said...

Such a great shot of your little man! Precious!