Friday, April 16, 2010

Poor Girl!

Since the complications with this pregnancy on Sunday, we have all been completely exhausted and thrown off schedule!!

Michael has been working like a madman all day at work, comes home to having to do the cleaning and laundry and cooking and getting S ready for bed and yard work and painting S's big girl furniture and moving furniture and after all that has had to study for some tests that he is taking. Whew - talk about a full plate! Thank goodness he is willing to step in and do all of it!

S is now in three days of "school" instead of one and is having to do everything by herself since I can not pick her up. She gets up on my bed to get her diaper and clothes changed, climbs into her car seat by herself, takes all of her dirty clothes to the laundry and throws away all her trash. She is having to grow up a bit faster than we had anticipated! With all the change, her sleep has not been exactly wonderful and she is definitely in a deficit! Today after picking her up from school, she was exhausted and fell asleep on the way home. I got home and was able to put her shoes on her and get her completely unbuckled from her car seat as she snored away. I had to wake her up, though, because I can't carry her into the house. Luckily, Grandmamma had dropped off a present at the house for her while we were gone and I used that to cheer her up while I was being so mean and making her sleepy little self walk into the house!


Amanda said...

So glad you have two hard workers to help around the house! Be thankful S puts her dirty clothes in the laundry instead of hiding play food and shoes there like someone else I know...

Jessica said...

Poor baby, and poor Mommy too. Hoping things get better soon.