Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter Weekend

This Easter we tried a few new things with S and loved it all!

When I was studying abroad in Australia, there were hot cross buns everywhere you looked for Good Friday. They were so yummy, but I have not had them since then (that was 8 YEARS ago!!). So, I went to Publix this week thinking that they would have some pretty good ones. Well, they had them, but they weren't that good. Looked good, but definitely left something to be desired. Nonetheless, S and I had them for breakfast on Friday morning for something a little special. Next year I'll still serve hot cross buns on Good Friday, but they will not be from Publix!

Saturday morning, S and I got up and went to an Easter Egg Hunt. This was the first organized egg hunt that S has been to. Last year, we just did one for her in our backyard. We went to a local church and they did a great job with everything. They served breakfast, attempted to tell the Easter story to the kids, did TWO egg hunts for the kids, made a craft and there were prizes given out for various things. The first time around with the egg hunt, S was not really sure what the point was, and after putting one egg in her basket was so excited and proud that she came running back to show me! I tried to explain that she was suppose to pick up as many eggs as possible. We ended up with 5. The second time around, though, she had a better idea about what to do and managed to get 9. And, although I think she had fun doing the egg hunt, it was done at the church playground and she was much more interested in playing than she was collecting eggs. Oh well, as long as she had fun!!

Sunday morning while we were getting ready for church, I was trying to explain to S the meaning of Easter. I told her that Jesus died and then he rose up and went to heaven. Kinda a hard concept for a 2-year-old to digest. She just kept telling me that she wanted to see Easter. Hmmm... didn't know quite how to explain that! After a wonderful service at church and a nap, we dyed eggs and did another egg hunt in the backyard with just S. S loved dropping the eggs into the dye(they were in rough shape by the end of things) and after dinner when they had dried she was able to cover them with princess stickers. Very entertaining for her to do and for us to watch! She had a great time getting both Mommy and Daddy's full attention during the egg hunt and she kept wanting Daddy to hide them again and again!

What a great family Easter with lots of fun memories made!:)


Jessica said...

You looked so pretty this morning, love that you and Michael match.

S understood at least some of what you told her about Easter. In SS she was concentrating very hard when we were talking about Jesus. So precious to see their little minds trying to figure things out.

Anonymous said...

You look sooo pretty!! What great pictures....a good time indeed.

Amanda said...

I love the picture of S looking at her lone piece of candy. Or is it a rock?
P.S. Cute dress :)