Wednesday, April 4, 2007

3 MONTHS PREGNANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So, now for my big announcement - we're expecting our first miracle in October:)!!!!!!!

The whole reason I started this blog was to act as a journal through my pregnancy and then to keep family and friends updated on everything going on once the baby is born. We found out at 4 weeks and have been attempting to keep it a secret ever since. How hard!! I finally told my parents when I was 10.5 weeks, but they were sworn to secrecy and if you know my mom, that is VERY difficult for her! Yesterday was my 12 week appt and everything looked to be on track. Oh, I wish I was able to upload pictures and could put the ultrasound pic that I received. The baby was flipping and kicking it's legs over its head! It was amazing, this is the 3rd ultrasound I've had done (first at 6.5 weeks, then 8.5 weeks and then yesterday) and it is truly a miracle how babies grow both in the womb and after birth!! We went to M's parents' house last night and told them the news. Well, the way we told both of our parents was by giving them a picture frame that I had decorated (quite creative if you ask me!!) with a picture of the first ultrasound in it. Later the frame can be used for a picture of the baby. So, anyway, it was so much fun to watch their expressions as it sank in what was going on - I thought my mom was seriously going to have a heart attack. Wow, I am so excited but I don't think even still that it has completely sunk in for me or M! Many prayers needed!!!!


Anonymous said...

Caskeys say
YEAH GOD FOR THE BISHOPS all 3 of them! I sat her in shock for few minutes and then I thought....we have known them and become HEART friends with them THANK YOU GOD for htis miracle! We love you guys soooo much-----

It's a Mom Thing said...

WOOOOO HOOOOOO!!!! I wish there was something bigger than all caps to use in order to tell you how EXCITED I am for you!!! Such joy!!! God is good!

KLee said...

I am so stinkin' excited for you guys!

Annie said...

That is so wonderful! Congratulations!

Anonymous said...

How exciting. I just sat here and cried as I read your blog. I remember how it felt to see the first ultrasound and now my little miracle is in the next room sleeping. The time will fly by.

We are so excited for you guys and if it is a boy Olivia Kate gets first dibs, because I am sure he will be a little hottie. I am so glad your pregnancy is going well so far. You guys are in our prayers.

PS--if you need practice changing diapers and feeding bottles, just let us know we have plenty to go around.