Thursday, December 20, 2018

C's Christmas Week at School

C has had quite the celebratory week at school! 

The class started out the week by receiving the sweetest gift from their wonderful, amazing, kind teacher!  She had participated in a Donor's Choice project in the fall for a Mice on Main book and stuffed mouse that goes along with it and it was fully funded in October.  She gave them each the gift on Tuesday with a hand written note in the book to each of them.  They were able to read to their sweet little stuffed mice and were invited to bring it with them to school whenever they wanted - what a way to encourage reading!!

Yesterday, the had a field trip to the law enforcement center.  They had been asked to bring a gift to school to give to the officers for them to give to children in the community that might not otherwise have much for Christmas.  The kids were super excited to meet the officers and give them their gifts(I'm pretty confident that Mrs. Field filled in the extra spots with gifts so that each child was able to present a gift!).  They got a tour of the facility and then finished the day with lunch at Fuddrucker's.  Such a learning experience on so many levels for the kids!

Today, was the class Christmas party!  I was able to go and help with one of the stations and thoroughly enjoyed being there to see my boy loving his time with his class!  The room moms are so awesome this year!  They had stations for 1. fishing for candy canes 2. cupcake decorating 3. guess the number of M&Ms in the jar 4. hot chocolate station.  Amazing!!  After his party, I took him and went and got S for early dismissal for the afternoon and they will not be at school tomorrow for the half day (out early for Nutcracker rehearsal today and then tomorrow we will all be tired after a late night rehearsal!) so... let WINTER BREAK begin!!

C was amazing at candy cane fishing - always has had great
eye-hand coordination!

Maxwell, C and Demi

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