Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Christmas Day

Being that it was a later Christmas Eve than usual this year, we thought the kids might sleep in a little bit.  Who were we kidding!?!?!  I always like to get up early and get the tree lights on and coffee going before they come down, so I had barely walked out of our bedroom when here they come!!

They were way excited and couldn't wait any longer!!  I didn't get as many pictures this morning as usual, but there wasn't near as much to open either!  C got an electric scooter, Beyblades, hot wheels, a remote control car and more.  S got a Kavu, sewing machine, books, clothes, crafts and more.  We ate a leisurely breakfast of cinnamon rolls and then got ourselves ready to go to Lara and Elliott's for lunch.  But not before a stop at M's new office site where him and C took a few shots on some geese - but missed! 

Lunch was loud and rambunctious as always!  The boys shot the guns out back for most of the time and S entertained Larson by playing games with her!  

We came home, had leftovers for dinner and could not wait for our heads to hit the pillows because tomorrow M and I both have to work early and the kids are going to the YMCA!

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