Saturday, December 9, 2017

Snow Day?!?!?

I can't remember the last time I saw snow BEFORE Christmas, but it happened this year!  It started about 1pm yesterday, the kids got a call out for early dismissal at 2pm and then it just kept coming down all afternoon and all night!  I picked the kids and two other little boys up from school!  S came home and had hot chocolate and read books for the afternoon, while C and the other boys played outside until the other momma could get here!  M and I had his office party last night, but luckily our babysitter's mom drove her to and from our house in the conditions so we were still able to party!

This morning, the kids were up bright and early to get out and play before the snow melted!  It never really stuck to the driveway or roads, but left about an inch or so in the grass!  Good enough for them!!

Hopefully we will have a really good snow before the season is over!

2pm yesterday in car line!

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