Sunday, December 31, 2017

December... Wrapping Up 2017!

C and I got the gingerbread houses ready to go for decorating
while S was at a Nutcracker performance.

They got their own chocolate advent calendars and were very
happy children!

After our tree fell, M and C went to town making us a super-duper-heavy duty
tree stand!  It works great, but did require me to order a new tree skirt because this
thing is HUGE!

Passing on the tradition of making buckeyes!

Don't let this picture fool you, he was stoked about his new 
hair cut!

C's friend had a Ninja birthday party - fun!

C went to a cookie cooking class - S and I went shopping for his
Christmas presents from her while he was there!

Beautiful sunrises lately!

S had a cupcake cooking class - C and I went shopping for
her Christmas present from him while she was there!

The work crew at our Christmas lunch!

My laptop finally bit the dust and I got a new one!!!

Color Clay CafĂ©:)  The kids worked really hard on their pieces and put a lot of 
time and effort into them!  I did one too this time!
Every.Single.Year!!! During Christmas break this kiddo
gets sick!  This time - strep!

Spin Art!

Game time!

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