Friday, February 27, 2015

Snow Week

TWO snow storms came through this week!!!


On Tuesday, the kids were out of school due to about an inch or so of snow!  The kids were in heaven and were out playing in it by about 7:20am!!  They played until I made them come in because the dog that lives behind us, a mean German Shepherd, was spotted out!  Then, as fast as it came, the snow melted away!  We were able to continue with our regular Tuesday activities of swimming, Tae Kwon Do and dance and also got our requisite grocery store trip done and swung by the library for some new movies(still no cable!!) in preparation for the BIG ONE coming on Wednesday night!!

Snow angel:)

YUM!  Hot Chocolate - just before he dumped the entire thing on
the floor..sigh!
Resting up before the afternoon activities start:)
He was a bit of a showboat for his Sissy!
Always an adventure!
Getting our library movies!

Working to get a tip for his belt - he got his first tip!!

Lucky for all involved, Wednesday school was as usual!  C has not been to school in two weeks and it was WAY PAST DUE for him to go, even if just for one day!!

THEN... Wednesday night... this was predicted to happened!!

But, in reality, the way it usually goes down in the south, we got about 1-1.5 inches!  Somewhat disappointing, but at the same time, it was enough for the kids to get to play, sled, have a snowball fight, build an igloo - and then it was gone before we were absolutely sick of it!!

First picture of our house in snow!

M leading the kids as we go up to the front of the neighborhood where there
is a big hill to sled down!

Do you want to build a snowman!?!?

Snowball fight!!

C and Kinsley

S and Chase

C and Olivia
King of the Igloo
So cool!!

At this point, we are all going a bit crazy and need some "normal" back into our schedules!!

On Friday, ANOTHER delayed school start.  Sooo... again, no school for C:(  Terribly frustrating - not to mention expensive!!  We made the most of it by doing a few crafts and having some play time before taking S to school.  Then C and I met Chelle and Bobby at Chick-fil-A again!  Then, after a few errands, we met Daddy for lunch!  I'm hoping, hoping, hoping for a normal week next week!!!!

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