Thursday, March 4, 2010

Trapped Inside

Yesterday I took S to the dr. and found out she had a double ear infection and pink eye! Fabulous!! So, we got some antibiotics and were told to keep her away from people for 24 hours. Uggg.... Neither one of us do very well staying in the house all day - especially after all of our regular events had already been cancelled this week because of snow. But, aside from a few tantrums and some testing of Mommy, we had fun playing (with some help of Dora and Elmo!). We tried to keep busy with coloring, dressing up, reading, building castles, playing with baby dolls, baking muffins and doing puzzles. Whew, I will be glad to get out tomorrow!!

PS - When they weighed S at the dr, she weighed a whopping 26lb with clothes on - what a munchkin!!!


GiGi said...

Oh,my poor little Pixie...wish I were there to help nurse her back to health. Hope you survive, my dear!!

TCW said...

I hate that S was feeling bad. I am sure she is back to her well self today. We don't do well being cooped up in the house either.