Thursday, March 18, 2010

Our First 2010 Trip to the Zoo


S asks to go to the zoo at least twice a week!! I've been trying to explain to her all winter that when it gets warmer, we'd go. I don't know if a 2-year-old can really understand that! I was so excited to surprise her this week with a zoo trip. We'd gotten her hair cut earlier that morning and then headed over. She walked the entire time even though I did have a stroller for her in case we needed it. She listened so well and loved every minute of being there! It was a wonderful and enjoyable morning for the both of us!


GiGi said...

Yummy!! I just ate my little grandchild with a spoon....she is so adorable!!! Do you think you could post pictures everyday??

TCW said...

I love the picture of her on top of the bear.