Thursday, March 11, 2010

Potty Training

I finally decided that I needed to potty train S! She has been very interested in the potty for a while, but I have totally not been up for it. So, I put it on my calendar and blocked off a week in hopes that it would make me just go ahead and do it. And, I am doing it...ugg!!! Several people I know used the website, so that is what I did too. For some of them it worked in 3 days and for others it took a bit longer. Looks like it is going to take us a bit longer for us - but we're getting there.

DAY 1:
S was so excited about wearing her panties(see picture of her on the morning of day 1)!! I had not shown them to her before I started, so she was very surprised. When I put them on her, it made me kinda sad that she is getting to be such a big girl and is no longer a baby. Taking away diapers is a huge step for her and it's also a little sad. Our first day, we had 6 accidents and 1/2 a success. What is a half success? It's where she started out going on the floor but was able to finish on the potty. She was SO proud of herself!!! The 3 Day Potty Training method insists on doing panties even at night. For kids like S, who still wake up in the morning with a 10lb diaper, the author suggests waking them up throughout the night. NO WAY!!!! We are going to do pull-ups at night and I do not feel guilty about that one bit! I'd much rather sleep! All in all it was an exhausting day for both of us but we made it through and the 1/2 success made us at least see a little light at the end of a long tunnel!

DAY 2:
The morning of day 2 started with a success!! YAY!!! I thought surely the day would be awesome and she would be potty trained completely by the end of the day. Not quite the way it worked out, but she did really well! We had 4 successes (including two small poopy ones- I know, TMI) and 5 accidents. We did not use any bribes on day 1, but I resorted to an M&M bribe about mid-way through day 2:)

DAY 3:
Today was supposedly going to be the day! She was going to be potty trained by the end of the day - again, didn't exactly happen that way! We started out the morning with a HUGE wet mess and followed it a little while later with another one, equally as large! Oh boy, I felt like things were going backwards! Also, poor S is somewhat constipated. I mentioned little poopy successes in Day 2 and we had more today but she is in pain and it is sad! We tried feeding her prunes tonight so hopefully that will help her out some. The last few days have been really wet and nasty. So, today when the clouds cleared for a while, we ventured outside for some much needed fresh air. It was kinda chilly, but I was afraid of an accident, so S went pantless. I'm sure our neighbors were debating on whether or not to call DSS on me!! Oh well, it was worth looking like a bunch of rednecks:) We ended today with 3 successes (including two small poopy ones) and 3 accidents! And, none of the accidents happened after about lunchtime!

At the end of our 3 day potty training marathon, we are all exhausted beyond words! And, although is not completely potty trained yet, we are making progress!


Amanda said...

I love that last picture!! Little panties are so cute after you're used to looking at bulging diapers!

Jessica said...

Ha! Love the no-pants look!!! It's not redneck when the underwear are cute:-)

TCW said...

I am glad to hear that things went okay. One friend of mine cleaned up like 20 messes the first day, so S is way above the bar. How are things going now?

KLee said...

We still wear pull ups at night. And we are still waking up wet. I love my sleep too much also! I asked a friend at work...she said 6 is when to start being a bit concerned. You have plenty of time!