Monday, March 2, 2009

Blizzard 2009

Well, it wasn't really a blizzard, but we did get 4" of snow last night!!

This is the most snow I've seen in a while! It started last night and since we already had plans to grill out before we knew the weather forecast, we went on as planned. M ended up grilling as it came down really hard! S was really interested as she was watching this crazy white stuff falling from the sky (she has seen flurries before but this was different b/c these flakes were really big!).

This morning, M and I went outside before S woke up and took a look around. It was like a winter wonderland. Abby LOVED it and romped and played like a puppy! Then, M had to go to work - UGGG!!! Good thing he has a big ol' truck that made it through the snow with no problems. S and I are holding down the fort and trying to stay warm this afternoon. Call me a mean mommy, but I don't think I'm going to take S out in it today except maybe to just get a picture or two.

We'll have a lazy day inside today!

1 comment:

TCW said...

The snow is beautiful. I can't believe we missed the only snow Winter 08-09 is going to give, but I do have to say DisneyWorld was much better.