Friday, April 11, 2008


We have been having a hard time with S rolling over from her back to her stomach and screaming until we flip her back over. Yes, I should have been doing more tummy time, but it is so miserable. Well, for the last 3 days, I've been doing tummy time with her and letting her stay on her belly when she gets flipped over. Anyway, last night I put her to bed and then went and checked on her before M and I went to bed. SHE FELL ASLEEP ON HER BELLY WITHOUT CRYING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It completely floored me! YAY!


Anonymous said...

OH GOOD---I predict that she sleeps better from now on her little belly

It's a Mom Thing said...

Yea! I'm so proud of you and Stella! She just needed a little more practice. And I bet she slept well.

Keep up the good work, girls!!

KLee said...

Yea S!!! and Yea for you C! I am proud of you both for giving tummy time a chance!

TCW said...

OK didn't like her tummy either when she was S's age, now she sleeps on her belly every night. I guess she takes after her mom. She just wanted to make the choice to sleep on her belly instead of someone putting her that way.