Saturday, October 31, 2020

October 2020


Lunch on the steps at the new house before a
day of cleaning!

When schedules are super-busy and the kids have
to cram their homework in the morning before
going to school!

Lizard catching


Making biscuits with Gigi

5th grade boys get together

Picking up S from her retreat

Dinner in Flat Rock

S'mores with Gigi while S was at her retreat

Killing time before dance while the floors are
being stained at the new house and not enough
time to go to the old house!
Pumpkin painting

Shopping - she has outgrown ALL of her clothes!

Cool afternoons = homework on the back portch!

We got "Booed" at our new house!  C was THRILLED!

S's friend, Anna, had a bday party shopping
and eating downtown with some other girls
from church.

Hallmark movies have begun!

C has begun to really enjoy and ask to go to the
library for BOOKS and not just movies!

Our first morning in the new house, our sweet neighbors gifted
us with breakfast!!  And it was just what we needed!

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