Saturday, October 31, 2020

Halloween 2020

Our new neighborhood has a lot of kids and they have a huge Halloween celebration!  This year, from what I gather, is a bit different because of COVID.  Usually the party is hosted at someone's house and this year it was in the cul-de-sac.  I'm good with that!  The weather was perfect for an outdoor party!  S went as a rock start and C as the Grim Reaper. We partied with our neighbors before trick or treating and then the Similas joined us for the actual trick or treating part of the night!  The kids had a ball running from door to door, even the middle schoolers!  When we finished walking the neighborhood, we came back to the house and the kids did their candy exchange and played Night in the Museum around the house while we the adults visited!  A great first Halloween at our new house!

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