Sunday, March 10, 2019

Clemson Baseball Game

This afternoon we made our way to Clemson to watch the Tigers play some baseball!  We needed lunch and the first place we stopped was 1.5 hour wait and we sure didn't have that kind of time!  As we thought about it, the cafeteria on campus would fill us all up.  After a little research, we realized that they now offer a brunch on Sundays and that the public was able to eat there.  M was set!  We all ate a very hearty meal and M and I only felt "slightly" old as we were surrounded by college kids... LOL!!  After filling up, we drove to the baseball fields and enjoyed watching our Tigers win and then the kids got to run the bases afterwards!  A beautiful day in Tiger Town!

Eating a HUGE breakfast at Shilleter - the cafeteria!

The kids' cousin, Carson Spiers, came out to relief pitch while we were there!

C running the bases - orange shirt, black pants almost to second base!

S was originally "too old" to run the bases but when she found out that
Clemson ice cream was at the finish line, she changed her tune;) She is
black shirt and jeans headed to third base!

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