Wednesday, March 20, 2019

3rd Grade Charleston Trip

M and C have spent the past two days in Charleston on the 3rd grade field trip!  I dropped them off early yesterday morning.  They arrived in Charleston about lunch time.  They explored the aquarium and the Old Exchange and Provost Dungeon. They stayed the night at the aquarium(not much sleep was happening from what I've been told!) and then today they woke up and enjoyed time exploring Magnolia Plantation.  They were tired when they came home, but C had a the best time ever and I'm so glad that M was willing, and able, to go with him!  

Day 1 - Aquarium, Old Exchange and Provost, Night at the Aquarium
Dropping them off!

Day 2 - Magnolia Plantation
Gavin and C are such good buddies!  Sticks are a boys
best friend, too!;)

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