Friday, November 30, 2018


The kids get Election Day off of school, so the three of us went and
voted.  Don't let C fool you, he was just trying to be cool;)

C started basketball in the 3rd-5th grade group - M and David are coaching again:)

C's art!

S's art!
S and Halle - we went to see Annie at the theater

C's class Halloween party

C(far right) on career day - lots of military in that group!

"Baking" cookies to take to Thanksgiving with us!

Clemson vs. USC game time

M helped him rock his ice cream!!
Had to get a picture of the shirt that C had the Clemson football
players sign before I washed it!

C gets nosebleeds ALL.THE.TIME, so he had surgery to
hopefully get that under control!!

We've been pretty busy lately, but not so busy that the kids haven't had a chance
to be lazy too!

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