Thursday, January 22, 2015

Stitches and a Concussion

Sooo... Sunday was pretty traumatic for our family!  We were on the way out the door to church when C fell down the stairs!  We ended up in the ER with 3 stitches and a concussion!  He was such a brave little trooper through all of it!  He was crying when it first happened, but as soon as we had the gushing blood under control and his face wiped clean, he was a lot better and didn't cry the rest of the day - not even during the stitches!  Brave little dude!!!  Because he was acting a bit out of sorts with the concussion, they did a CT Scan at the hospital and all was clear which eased our minds a bit!  It is now Thursday and he is doing much, much better!  I have pulled him out of school and all activities for the week but am still trying to find some calm, entertaining stuff for us to do so as not to go completely stir crazy!!  We will all be glad to have this ordeal behind us!

M got C a pulley system rigged up in the playroom!

And a bunch of new tools that C has been putting to good use:)

The two of us have a LOT of time together!

He's not an arts and crafts kids, but if it's messy and involves
scissors, it may keep him occupied for a few minutes!

I was pulling out everything I could think of!

I had to get a few things at the grocery.  Notice he is securely
strapped into that buggy!!!!  A cookie always helps a hurt noggin

S has been very sweet and has read to him quite a lot!

Picnic to enjoy beautiful weather - it was hard keeping him
off the scooter, bike, 4 wheeler though!

Took a trip to the library!

Lots of puzzles and games!

Putting S's Easy Bake oven to good use!

Both of them chowed down on that!

The two of us went downtown Greenville for a "stroller ride"
and before we got too far I had to stop for a coffee and C
scored a huge chocolate chip muffin:)

We also cashed in on an OPTaylor giftcard that we've
had since Christmas 2013!!

I took both kids to The Glazing Pot after getting S from school
to paint pottery - it was "free sitting fee" day:)  S chose to paint a

C appropriately chose a monkey;)

C got up one morning and I asked him what in the world he was
doing with tape on his shirt!!??!  Apparently he had conned it out of
M the night before and unbeknownst to us he had put it over Boy
the Elf's eyes so Boy could sleep!  Buhahaha!!

Finally, on Day #4, C was able to watch a little TV again!

This morning we took an excursion to the CAT Studio!  We ran
into some friends there which was great for me to get a little adult
conversation after having been home with just me and C all week!

Always his favorite to be outside painting!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Oh my goodness! You poor things! (You too, mommy). Way to be brave, C!