Sunday, January 11, 2015

Other Randomness

So we are getting back into the swing of things now!!

It seems like it has either been raining or extremely COLD the past couple of weeks so we have been staying indoors a lot!!

Chick-fil-A play date with Mark and Melissa:)

Milkshake break!

She gets a kick out of his hat - you squeeze the pom-pom
thing and the hair goes out to the side:)  It's pretty funny!!
C and Bobby were determined they were going to sell our house!
They thought it was hysterical!!!

While C was back at school, C and I had quite a bit of time

Both my kids love a trip to PetSmart!  I just went in "really
quick" to get some Advantix for Abby, and we were there for
probably 30 minutes because C wanted to see all the animals!

God knew on Wednesday that it was time - C needed to go
to school!  Mommy was beyond ready to have a little time
to herself!

I think he was ready too!

All the activities have resumed:)  Somewhere along the
way he has really improved on the kickboard!

Cold nights call for footy jammies:)  This picture sooo
shows their personalities - S with a book and C with
a light saber!

I got a note from Publix(where I had ordered all the food from
for S's baptism lunch at the house)!  I was so impressed with how
nice this was!

Both kids had holes in their shoes!  I surprised them one day
with new shoes and they were so so so excited!!  Both wearing size

And, just after I get C back to school on Wednesday, it is like
8* Thursday morning and public school gets delayed 3 hours, so,
yet again, C spends the day with me because that means his
school is cancelled!!!!!

I had heard yoga was relaxing so I attempted to do a video!  Ummm,
they must mean yoga is relaxing without the kiddos around!  C took over my
mat giving me next to no room, and S didn't stop running her mouth
the entire video!  Not so relaxing!

I had a couple of leftover gingerbread man cookies, so
after dinner one night I let the kids decorate!  M and I thought
it was funny to see the two different ideas of "decorating".  This is
C's cookie - he was obviously more interested in getting to the eating part
than he was decorating!
S fully decorated hers!!!
I finally added a little color to our living room:)


They sure find crazy ways to entertain themselves:)

I helped host a baby shower for one of my best friends, Melissa!

Crazy kid was "hiding" in the laundry room!

Always the fashionista!

They wear me out!  I think I could have stayed right on that
couch until morning!!

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