Thursday, October 21, 2010


Please excuse the bags under the eyes and the lack of energy, but for the past two weeks we have been somewhat sleep deprived! After about the first week, C cut his bottom two teeth! Ahhhh... so there was a reason and now we'll get some much needed rest! The night after he cut his second tooth we got 10 hours!!! We thought we were done for a while, but the very next night we were up again. WHAT!?!?! Is it more teeth? I dunno!

Here is what last night looked like for us and pretty much every other night for the last two weeks(except that one 10 hour night):

7:45pm S to bed
8:30pm C to bed
10:30pm C awake
11:00pm coyotes howling outside window(really!?!?!)
1:30am Abby(our dog) barking
2:15am C awake (fed him this time)
4:30am C awake
6:00am M up for work and me up to shower before kids get up
6:30am C and S awake
7:10am S up for the day
8:00am C up for the day

Is it nap time yet??

1 comment:

GiGi said...

Are you hallucinating yet?