Sunday, September 20, 2009

New Clothes

This past weekend was extremely wet and dreary. So, I decided it was a good time to get S's fall/winter clothes out. This process has taken me THREE DAYS!!! Saturday was spent washing and drying everything. Sunday I folded and ironed everything. Today, Monday, I finished the folding and ironing and hung it all in her closet - with no room to spare! - this doesn't include the clothes in her drawers:) I have left some of her spring/summer clothes in her closet for now as well since there are bound to be those days that are still warm! I love going through all her "new" clothes as the seasons change. I get tired of dressing her in the same clothes after months of wearing them! Bring on the fall weather, we are now ready!

P.S. - S's closet doubles as my "china cabinet"!!


Anonymous said...

Looks more like a children's boutique than a little one's closet.You must have been exausted after ironing all those clothes!!I look forward to seeing S wear the fur-lined pieces that I see hanging in her closet.

Michelle Y said...

Wow! I'm impressed! Ironing and all!

Outnumbered! said...

OMG! I'm glad I don't have a girl!

TCW said...

I did the same thing with OK's clothes, except for the ironing. I hate to iron.