Wednesday, August 6, 2008

I Love You, You Love Me

S doesn't watch TV too much. It's something that M and I decided when she was born. But, I usually do have it on during the day just for background noise so the house is not always so quiet!! However, I caught her completely drawn to Barney! It was really cute!

S doesn't really even pay attention to it b/c she has better things to do - like crawling all over the place and having me chase her around, and peek-a-boo around corners, and playing with the "other baby" in the reflection of the dish washer and flinging storage dishes across the floor, and emptying her toy basket onto the floor, and looking out the window. She LOVES having the freedom to move around!!


Michelle Y said...

It's a whole new world once they are mobile. I can't keep up with Jamie at times so I can relate to your post today!

Shelby said...

Yeah! She's up and gone into the world of exploring! Watch out! The fun is just now beginning!!