Wednesday, July 11, 2007

What have you done for me?

This is the question that is weighing on mine and M’s heart and mind! What have we done for Christ?!?! We have been blessed in so many ways by our gracious Lord with each other, a baby on the way, our family, friends, health, jobs, minds, etc. The list goes on and on and on…. We know we are undeservingly blessed, yet what have we done for God? We are called to further His kingdom while keeping the “one thing” that is needed according to Luke at the core. How do we do this in our daily lives? Honestly, and ashamedly, we don’t!

"Duty can pack an adequate sack lunch, but love may decide to enclose a little love note inside… Obligation sends the children to bed on time, but love tucks the covers in around their necks and passes out kisses and hugs… Duty gets offended quickly if it isn’t appreciated, but love learns to laugh a lot and to work for the sheer joy of doing it. Obligation can pour a glass of milk, but quite often, love adds a little chocolate."
- From Love Adds a Little Chocolate by Linda Andersen

What an awesome description of love and the way that Jesus lived his life. Again and again, he went beyond the call of duty and acted out of love. He went out of His way to minister. Instead of guarding his life, Jesus gave it away. We need to serve and love in the way that Jesus did. A true passion for God will naturally result in compassion for people!

I don’t know what to do to serve others, but I will work on my relationship with Christ and look to Him to show me how I can further His kingdom.


Anonymous said...

We have some openings in the student ministry...shhhhh don;t tell the college or children's ministers but I can get you in!
I have felt the same way lately! We are truly seeking the ways that we can serve more and reach more

It's a Mom Thing said... may be right up your alley. [wink, wink]

Don't forgot you serve Christ by serving your husband, taking care of this baby, taking meals to friends, praying for them, etc. It doesn't always have to be drastic. Although, I definitely understand your point...sometimes we need to "step up our game."

KLee said...

I also have been praying about where I will be serving this fall. There are so many possibilities within the church I want to make sure I am right where God wants me, not where I want to be.
God is obviously tugging at your heart and I will pray for you to find the perfect place designed specifically for YOU.
Thanks for being vulnerable and sharing your heart!